

Barnabas in Schools' drama books are ideal for use in primary schools, as well as for storytelling in the classroom.
The Gospels Unplugged: 52 poems and stories for creative writing, RE, drama and collective worship
Digital eBook Only - Need stories that jump off the page, into the imagination and, from there, into daily life?...
The Lord's Prayer Unplugged: A wealth of ideas opening up the prayer in ten sessions
Digital eBook Only - The Lord's Prayer Unplugged provides a unique opportunity to explore the biblical breadth and depth encapsulated...
Poetry Emotion: 50 original poems to spark an imaginative approach to topical values
Poetry Emotion contains a treasure trove of original poems to stimulate a child's observation and deep thinking; to affirm individuality...
The Gospels Unplugged: 52 poems and stories for creative writing, RE, drama and collective worship
Need stories that jump off the page, into the imagination and, from there, into daily life? Drawn from all four...
The Lord's Prayer Unplugged: A wealth of ideas opening up the prayer in ten sessions
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The Lord's Prayer Unplugged provides a unique opportunity to explore the biblical breadth and depth encapsulated in Jesus' famous prayer....
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