Navigating the space between
One of our new resources this month is The Space Between, and I can’t help thinking what an unexpectedly apt description this happens to be for the season we're now in! Not just the in-between nature of April itself, awkwardly but beautifully halfway between spring and summer, but this uncertain, unsettled time of taking our first tentative steps out of lockdown.
Mark Bradford chooses five powerful images - the time of waiting, the place of exile, the wilderness, the storm, and the pit - to show how ‘the space between’ isn’t necessarily all bad, but can be a place of growth. We may want to hide from these times, but perhaps we need them? CPAS Principal James Lawrence says, ‘With many of us pushed into disruptive spaces by the pandemic, this timely and thoughtful book encourages us to lean into these difficult seasons where God is to be found in new ways.’
Our other new releases both tackle the pressing issue of how we live in God’s world and care for his creation. Martin and Margot Hodson’s thorough revision of A Christian Guide to Environmental Issues brings this important book bang up to date, publication coinciding serendipitously with President Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate. It’s an issue we can’t ignore, and the Hodsons’ ethical, biblical, practical resource ‘looks straight in the eye of the most serious set of environmental challenges humanity faces’, in the words of Graham Usher, the Church of England’s lead bishop for the environment.
Alongside this, the Hodsons have put together a gift book that takes a more devotional approach. Green Reflections: Biblical inspiration for sustainable living offers a set of 62 reflections encouraging both contemplation and response, beautifully illustrated with artwork by Martin Beek.
All in all, plenty of food for thought and, we hope, wisdom and encouragement for the journey.
With every blessing
Head of Content Creation and Living Faith Lead