Meet the writer: Elizabeth Rundle, New Daylight, 11-24 July

Brought up on Bible stories, in her first 12 years Elizabeth lived in Fulham, East Grinstead and Edgware, before 30 years in Cornwall. With Cornish husband Wilfred, the Methodist church family was instrumental in encouraging and nurturing her faith. Life was filled with church, (preaching and playing the organ) writing (articles, local radio and TV scripts and five books of daily readings) concerts and cricket.
On the death of her beloved husband, Elizabeth went to theological college to train for the ordained ministry and, while training, spent time working with churches in Wales and Hong Kong. Subsequently she served churches in Cornwall and London, as well as chaplaincies with a psychogeriatric hospital and the Royal British Legion. Since 1995, an important area of her ministry has been organising and leading pilgrimages to the Holy Land.
Author of 17 study and devotional books (including ‘20 Questions Jesus Asked’ BRF (2008), Elizabeth’s many interests include music, photography, recipes and being on a beach watching the world go by.
We asked Elizabeth about her latest series for New Daylight
What do you enjoy/value most about writing for New Daylight?
It’s a wonderful privilege to communicate with readers about my Saviour. New Daylight allows me to explore my faith and journey within the discipline of covering a theme in several directions. I am amazed and humbled by the way the Holy Spirit touches individual readers from the prayerful scribbles I have written so many months previously. Something new to learn each day!
What inspired your series on Secrets and mysteries in Mark?
This was new to me when New Daylight editor, Sally Welch gave me the title. However, it renewed my wonder in the contemporary relevance of God’s Living Word which leaps from the page, fresh to every generation.
What have you learned from writing it?
To look beyond the words to the essence of what it means to follow Jesus as Lord. To realise the hypocrisy, jealousies, cruelty and poverty of Jesus’ day are rampant with us still. But above all God’s love and justice demonstrated by Jesus is the supreme power to change the world.
What is the key thing you hope your readers might take away from the series?
My prayer is that God may use these notes to spark the reader’s imagination and fascination with this earliest Gospel. They offer just a glimpse into some of the anomalies and mysteries within Mark’s writing to whet appetites for more. In a churning and hurting world may each day encourage the reader to anchor themselves in the greatest miracle and mystery of all, Jesus is Lord.