Let's draw back the curtain on our October titles!
With Advent drawing ever closer, I hope everyone's Christmas purchases are well in hand, and don't forget to book in for our Celebrating Christmas event coming up soon!

Today sees the arrival of two quite frankly fabulous, luxurious gift books which could also well hit the spot for a friend or family member.
Unveiled is a very special collaboration between Clare Hayns and her son Micah, one providing the words and the other the artwork to bring to life the stories of 40 women from the Hebrew scriptures. Some will be familiar to us, others less so, some are admirable, others have little to redeem them, but all are singled out and their story told. Grouped into themed sections including women at work, motherhood, 'strident' women and #ThemToo, it's an eye-opening and often hard-hitting read, with beautiful illustrations that seek to communicate the essence of each woman to the reader.

Alongside this, we proudly present The BRF Book of 365 Bible Reflections, a devotional with a difference, brought together as a celebration of BRF's upcoming centenary year: 365 contributors each writing a single Bible reflection, taking us through the Bible narrative from Genesis to Revelation and also offering reflections for the different seasons of the Christian year and thematic sections exploring topics such as family, old age and care for creation. Weighing in at over 400 pages, we're hoping that this elegant jacketed hardback will be keeping many people company in their personal devotions this coming year! Is there someone you can think of whose spiritual journey you could resource in this way?
With every blessing
Head of Content Creation and Living Faith Lead