Anna Chaplaincy Website Launch
Have you explored the new Anna Chaplaincy website?
BRF has been equipping church members around the UK through the Anna Chaplaincy model - developed by former broadcaster Debbie Thrower to promote best practice in the spiritual care of older people. That's why we're rebranding 'The Gift of Years' programme as 'Anna Chaplaincy for Older People'.
We've rounded up some of the amazing resources recommended by and for Anna Chaplains. Read on to find out more about our offering for older people (and those ministering to them).
Bible Reflections for Older People
What makes these Bible reading notes special? They're written by older people with older people in mind. They are undated, allowing you to dip in and out as needed, ideal for those who are less able to follow a strict dated schedule. They also include interviews and more from Anna Chaplaincy founder Debbie Thrower.
These Bible reflections are published three times a year ready to begin in January, May and September.
The Freedom of Years
This is an affirming book which explores how we review the meaning and purpose of our lives at times through the eyes of two fictional people, Angus and Josephine, who in their old ages can look back on completely different life circumstances and experiences, and who age in dissimilar but very telling ways.An invaluable book for those providing spiritual care, but also a book for everyone because, as the authors make clear, we are all ageing from the moment of conception. Harriet and Donald Mowatt highlight the power of story at every age and stage of life, but most particularly in our later years.
As Christians, ageing gives us the opportunity to deepen and even transform our spiritual lives. The Freedom of Years helps those who want to undertake the journey by examining the ageing task, the inevitable changes and the possibilities of growth and joy along the way.
Come, Let us Age!
This book has been described as 'determinedly hopeful' and gives confidence and purpose to anyone, but particularly those entering old age. Growing old boldly - it's a challenge and an encouragement.
Writer, Wanda Nash, was a woman who grew old regarding her later life as an adventure. She wrote a number of reflections and poems while facing treatment for terminal cancer, which were published posthumously, edited by her daughter, Poppy Nash, alongside Debbie Thrower.
'As we share her joys and pangs, we may come to trust the silence and appreciate it as a natural, comforting medium in which to cultivate our understanding of what it is to be a truly human ‘being’… even unto death.' - Debbie Thrower