Prayer in the Making: Trying it, talking it, sustaining it
Prayer in the Making: Trying it, talking it, sustaining it

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Prayer in the Making: Trying it, talking it, sustaining it

Author : Lyndall Bywater

Twelve different types of prayer build faith

From the author of Faith in the Making

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Title Prayer in the Making: Trying it, talking it, sustaining it
Author Lyndall Bywater

From the author of Faith in the Making

Books on prayer can so often make us feel challenged but guilty. Not this one! Prayer in the Making is a book for everyone wanting to pray more confidently. Because we are all different, we need to find the prayer life that fits with who God made us to be. Lyndall Bywater explores twelve different types of prayer, helping us to find the ones which best suit us and our lifestyles. She certainly challenges us, but leaves us ready to talk confidently with God.

Read Lyndall's Lockdown blog here

  • Product code: 9780857468017
  • Published: 18 January 2019
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 160
  • Dimensions: 130mm wide and 198mm high

From the author of Faith in the Making

Books on prayer can so often make us feel challenged but guilty. Not this one! Prayer in the Making is a book for everyone wanting to pray more confidently. Because we are all different, we need to find the prayer life that fits with who God made us to be. Lyndall Bywater explores twelve different types of prayer, helping us to find the ones which best suit us and our lifestyles. She certainly challenges us, but leaves us ready to talk confidently with God.

Read Lyndall's Lockdown blog here

Lyndall Bywater is a freelance speaker and writer, specialising in the subject of prayer. Having worked for ten years as The Salvation Army's UK prayer coordinator, she is now part of Connecting the Isles and works with the Europe team of 24-7 Prayer. She also heads up Canterbury Boiler Room, an interdenominational prayer community, and contributes to BRF's Day by Day with God Bible reading notes. She is married to Phil.



The Reader, Autumn 2019. Review by Richard Appleton

Christian lives are about relationships – with neighbours, friends, family and God. Healthy relationships demand healthy communication. Our route of communication with God is with prayer, both structured and spontaneous. As with any genre of communication, prayer is not always easy, and guidance is often needed. This book provides a scripturally-themed and practical guide to help us improve our prayer lives. It uses twelve different prayer topics: Encounter, Worship, Listening, Stillness, Action, Intercession, Strategy, Restoration, Voice and body, Scripture, Warfare, and Resilience, each with a dedicated chapter in a practicable format for both individual and groups. Readers will be enriched by many or all of these chapters. Two phrases stand out: ‘Stop trying to make yourself a different shape when you pray’, a theme mirrored in the chapter on resilience; and ‘Remember he made you just the way you are. He doesn’t want you to emulate someone else’s prayer rhythm’. Another phrase, ‘Let prayer permeate everything we do’, echoes Paul’s striking exhortation to ‘Pray continually’ (1 Thessalonians 5: 17) – an exhortation which should mould our communication and strengthen our personal relationship with God. This book will help us achieve this, but only with God’s grace.

Reviewed by Richard Appleton



Review by Alistair Barton, Director of Pray for Scotland

I have read my fair share of books on prayer – about ways of praying, the power of prayer, answers to prayer, praise and prayer – and more. When I started reading Lyndall’s new book I did wonder if I would find anything new, so I was intrigued by Roy Searle’s introduction, and in particular this comment: 'But if you are looking for a practical and encouraging book on how we might pray, this book will be very helpful.' 

I’m pleased to say Lyndall’s book lives up to Roy’s description. Over 12 chapters she covers a wide variety of types of prayer and methods of praying in a straightforward yet very profound way, with practical examples and personal testimony to support the ‘theory’. Her aim is to encourage us, wherever we are on our prayer journey, to keep going, to persevere, knowing that no matter how short or long, how eloquent or stuttering, every prayer is valuable and every prayer is heard and appreciated by Father God.

As one who constantly deals with the challenge of creating space to pray in the busyness of life and often uses ‘arrow prayers’, I particularly appreciated Chapter 7 on Strategy, but there are many other ‘nuggets of gold’ to be unearthed in Lyndall’s book. I encourage you to go prospecting and find your own in its pages!

Review by Alistair Barton, Director, Prayer for Scotland 


Review by Jani Rubery, Trustee of 24-7 Prayer

For those interested in how to go deeper in prayer, this book will build confidence and excitement about the possibility of what can be achieved through prayer.

If your aim is to be an instrument of prayer, that helps transform, rebuild and reform our world, nation, communities, churches and families - then this is the book for you.

Prayer in the Making is like being given a DIY toolkit for helping us create a more effective and fulfilling prayer life. For some, the tools will be familiar but the methods outlined in the book will help you to use them in ways which are possibly new, innovative and grounded. For those who may be somewhat familiar with the tools, but have not known how to use them, then Lyndall's insights will help you explore and experiment in order to become more comfortable using different ways of praying personally as well as corporately.

I highly recommend Prayer in the Making for use as an individual, small group or wider church community.

Review by Jani Rubery, Trustee of 24-7 Prayer, executive coach and spiritual mentor


have known Lyndall for years through Connecting the Isles and always appreciated her clarity of thought and expression. I wouldn't normally rush to buy or read a book on prayer. However, having read this one I find myself both encouraged and inspired. I really appreciated the practical aids that are found in every chapter and the sense of grounded reality. I liked it a lot.
Daphne Godwin, The Ffald-y-Brenin Trust

I am delighted to endorse Lyndall Bywater's book, Prayer in the Making. Lyndall lives and practices what she preaches; the messenger incarnates the message.
So many books about prayer lead to a confusion regarding what our personal prayer life is supposed to look like. Condemnation quickly weighs on our hearts. But here, Lyndall writes from the heart about relationship, not performance. Love, not law. Grace to be ourselves and enter into the discovery of how and where God might meet us in our own personal, unique way. Acceptance by Jesus beats failure and condemnation any day. Read this book and enjoy being a Life in the Making.
Roy Godwin Executive Director, The Ffald-y-Brenin Trust