Summer Reading

Summer Reading

The days are long, the nights have that refreshing coolness about them, and many of us are off on holiday! Whether you’re jet setting, cruising, staying in the UK or even planning a little ‘staycation’ at home, every book-lover knows that the best thing about a holiday is the time to read!

Babies and Toddlers: Nurturing your child’s spiritual life
Our children's early years are incredibly significant in shaping their mental, emotional and spiritual lives for the future, but how...
Messy Discipleship: Messy Church perspectives on growing faith
Described as being ‘deeply serious about discipleship’, Messy Church has much to share, as well as much still to learn....
The Barnabas 365 Story Bible
This is the Bible retold for younger children in 365 much-loved stories. It offers a continuous narrative from Genesis to...
Seven Sacred Spaces: Portals to deeper community life in Christ
Too often people’s understanding of and engagement with ‘church’ is reduced to corporate worship, when it is so much more....
A Better Song to Sing: Finding life again through the invitations of Jesus
Many sincere followers of Jesus are secretly disappointed, dissatisfied and quietly desperate for more than they are currently experiencing. That...
At the Foot of the Cross with Julian of Norwich
'All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.' This quotation may...
Journey to Contentment: Pilgrimage principles for everyday life
Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, Sally Welch walks alongside us as leader and guide, but also fellow traveller, to explore...
Franciscan Footprints: Following Christ in the ways of Francis and Clare
There are many ways of following Christ – each footprint is unique. One of these, the Franciscan spiritual journey, has...
Parenting as a Church Leader: Helping your family thrive
When spiritual leadership is the day job, how does it affect family dynamics?How do we spiritually parent our children while...
What’s in the Bible (for me)?: 50 readings and reflections
Where do you start with reading the Bible? Here's the perfect gift for Messy Church families and others new to...
Servant Ministry: A portrait of Christ and a pattern for his followers
Servanthood is something to which all believers are called, not just those in full-time ministry, and so understanding what servanthood...
A Fruitful Life: Abiding in Christ as seen in John 15
'It is my desire through these pages to point you back to the simplicity of a life lived out of...
God's Word for Messy People: 31 Bible readings and reflections
Wanting to go deeper in your journey as a Messy Church leader or helper, or are you just curious about...
When You Pray: Daily Bible reflections on the Lord's Prayer
In this updated edition of a classic text, Joanna Collicutt shows how growing as a Christian is rooted in the...
My First Bible
An ideal gift for young children, My First Bible retells all the favourite Bible stories known and loved by generations...
Restoring the Woven Cord: Strands of Celtic Christianity for the Church today
When they discover Celtic spirituality, many Christians feel that in some sense they have come home. As they begin to...
Prayer in the Making: Trying it, talking it, sustaining it
From the author of Faith in the Making Books on prayer can so often make us feel challenged but guilty....
Stories of Everyday Saints: 40 stories with Bible links and related activities
The forty men and women whose stories are told in this book may not have started out as perfect people,...
Paper Plate Bible Crafts: 58 easy-to-do ideas for 5-7s
Paper Plate Bible Crafts is a great resource for fun crafts that teach favourite Bible stories in any setting. Fast,...
The Psalms: A commentary for prayer and reflection
The psalms are Israel's prayer book. Their origins are in many cases shrouded in mystery. We cannot be sure how...
Resilience in Life and Faith: Finding your strength in God
Tony Horsfall and Debbie Hawker encourage us to develop our resilience and to prepare ourselves for the challenges that life...
Retired and Inspired: Making the most of our latter years
Attitudes to retirement vary, and in this book Wendy Billington draws on her pastoral skills and life experience to ask...
Faithful Grandparents: Hope and love through the generations
There has never been a more important time to find meaningful and acceptable ways of passing on faith from one...
80 Reflective Prayer Ideas: A creative resource for church and group use
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Prayer remains a vital part of Christian discipleship. Following the success of the author's 80 Creative Prayer Ideas, this ready-to-use...
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Parenting Children for a Life of Faith omnibus: Helping children meet and know God
Equipping parents to raise God-connected children and teens. Collecting all the wisdom of titles previously published as Parenting Children for...
Living Differently to Make a Difference: The beatitudes and countercultural lifestyle
Few would doubt that we live in a wounded and broken world. But God has sent a Saviour, Jesus Christ,...
Family Jesus Time: Going on the faith adventure
Love God... Love your neighbour... Love yourself. The gospel is good news for messy people, young and old, and this...
Family Prayer Time: On the journey together
This colourful, quirky and fun addition to our Messy minibooks series is designed to encourage and guide families into a...
Sensing the Divine: John's word made flesh
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This compelling, inspiring book is an invigorating rereading of the fourth gospel by a well-known spirituality writer who has lived...
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Postcards of Hope: Words and pictures to breathe life into your heart
From the author of Postcards from Heaven comes this unusual and beautiful gift. Postcards of Hope is a collection of...