Parenting eBooks

Parenting eBooks

Messy Basics: Christian Basics Made Messy
Messy Basics is a discipleship course with Messy Church in mind. For groups young, old and anywhere in between, it...
Parenting Teens for a Life of Faith: Helping teens meet and know God
Digital eBook Only - Parenting teens has its challenges. The once-small children we had are pulling away from us, growing...
Messy Discipleship: Messy Church perspectives on growing faith
Digital eBook Only - Described as being ‘deeply serious about discipleship’, Messy Church has much to share, as well as...
Musings of a Clergy Child: Growing into a faith of my own
Digital eBook Only - Vicarage life can be exciting, hilarious, scary, surreal and delightful... and that's just one day! Nell...
Parenting as a Church Leader: Helping your family thrive
Digital eBook Only - When spiritual leadership is the day job, how does it affect family dynamics? How do we...
The Church and Boys: Making the connection
Digital eBook Only - Why are men and boys so under-represented in churches? Why do churches find it so difficult...
The Mirror That Speaks Back: Looking at, listening to and reflecting your worth in Jesus
Digital eBook Only - Learn how to engage with God's word, to trust it, to walk in its truth, to...
The Essential Guide to Family Ministry: A practical guide for church-based family workers
Digital eBook Only - A comprehensive foundation for those working in the increasingly complex and diverse area of ministry with...
Seriously Messy: Making space for families to talk together about death and life
Digital eBook Only - When families experience bereavement and loss, it can be hard for the wider church community to...
Refresh: Introducing adults to faith through toddler groups
Refresh Café is a fun and effective way to build fruitful relationships with parents and carers in your community. It’s...
Parenting Children for a Life of Purpose: Empowering children to become who they are called to be
Digital eBook Only - 'Too long we have stood apart as a church and looked at children and teens and...
Parenting Children for a Life of Faith: Helping children meet and know God
Digital eBook Only - Nurturing children in the Christian faith is a privilege given to all of us whose prime...
Parenting Children for a Life of Faith omnibus: Helping children meet and know God
Digital eBook Only - Equipping parents to raise God-connected children and teens. Collecting all the wisdom of titles previously published as...
Parenting Children for a Life of Confidence: Releasing children to live in God's strength
Digital eBook Only - The world has a formula for confidence. It goes like this: You are amazing and perfect,...
Knowing You, Jesus: following Jesus through the gospels in a year
Digital eBook Only - Inspired by the famous prayer of Richard of Chichester ‘to see thee more clearly, love thee...
How to Read the Bible... so that it makes a difference
Digital eBook Only - To read and engage with the Bible, we first need to understand the story, the styles...
Growing Young Leaders: A practical guide to mentoring teens
Digital eBook Only - This fully updated second edition of Growing Young Leaders offers practical guidance for all those mentoring...
Grandparenting for Faith: Sharing God with the children you love the most
Digital eBook Only - In this book, Becky Sedgwick explores how grandparents can proactively encourage and equip their grandchildren to...
Faithful Grandparents: Hope and love through the generations
Digital eBook Only - There has never been a more important time to find meaningful and acceptable ways of passing...
Creative Ways to Tell a Bible Story: Techniques and tools for exploring the Bible with children and families
Digital eBook Only - This resource offers a treasure trove of ideas for opening up a Bible story (the way...
Comfort in Uncertain Times
Digital eBook Only - Uncertainty and change can be hard, and even more so for a child. Feelings of confusion,...
Being God's Child: A Parent's Guide
Digital eBook Only - An exploration of ten different ways in which parents can learn or re-learn how to connect...
Babies and Toddlers: Nurturing your child’s spiritual life
Digital eBook Only - Our children's early years are incredibly significant in shaping their mental, emotional and spiritual lives for...