Where in the World? An RE and assembly resource on the worldwide Christian church
Digital eBook Only - Where in the World? is a global Christianity resource for primary school teachers. It is an accredited resource to support the Understanding Christianity project, providing background information and teaching material for RE and a number of cross-curricular subjects.
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Title | Where in the World? An RE and assembly resource on the worldwide Christian church |
Authors | Martyn Payne with Chris Hudson and Jane Butcher |
Description | Digital eBook Only - Where in the World? is a global Christianity resource for primary school teachers. It is an accredited resource to support the Understanding Christianity project, providing background information and teaching material for RE and a number of cross-curricular subjects. Content includes:
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Digital eBook Only - Where in the World? is a global Christianity resource for primary school teachers. It is an accredited resource to support the Understanding Christianity project, providing background information and teaching material for RE and a number of cross-curricular subjects.
Content includes:
- The growth of the worldwide Christian church
- A journey story focusing on churches in seven different countries, including Israel-Palestine, Uganda, South Sudan and South Africa, as well as European countries
- A further section that focuses on ten additional countries, including Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Argentina, Spain and Russia
- Background information about the Christian faith in each of the countries visited
- Information about the significance of the sacraments of baptism and communion and how they are celebrated around the world
- A helpful glossary of terms
- An outline of links to support the Understanding Christianity framework
- Web material to download at barnabasinschools.org.uk/whereintheworld
The material in this book is to enable schools to explore the worldwide Christian faith, offering insight into this vibrant area of RE. Exploring the Christian faith in different countries and cultures is part of the SIAMS framework for inspection 2018.
This resource enables schools to develop this area through collective worship as well as directly through subject areas.
With so much that could be shared, there is always the danger of falling into superficiality and of presenting unfair stereotypes when opening windows into the worldwide church. Every possible effort has been made to avoid this, while recognising that at the same time teachers will not want to overburden lesson material with too many caveats and footnotes. The book is intended as a resource to draw on, which will enhance both the teacher's own knowledge and provide a wider canvas of perspective and interest for the topic that children will enjoy exploring.
There is a unifying and important story to share with children about the essentials of the Christian faith and how those are worked out in the lives of people on another continent and within a society that is very different from our own. This resource aims to bring this global dimension to teaching about and learning from Christianity.
Martyn Payne worked for The Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF) for 15 years. Formerly he taught languages and RE for 18 years at secondary level and then worked for eight years in churches and primary schools nationally as the children's work coordinator for the Church Mission Society. Martyn has written a wide range of books for churches and schools, including A-Cross the World, The People's Bible, Creative Ways to Tell a Bible Story and Messy Parables.
Jane Butcher and Chris Hudson are on BRF's Barnabas in Schools team. They are experienced teachers and trainers and both have authored multiple books on education and children's and family ministry.