Christian life

Christian life

A selection of titles for your Living Faith.
At Home in Advent: A domestic journey from Advent to Epiphany
Following on from the success of At Home in Lent, Gordon Giles takes a journey through Advent to Christmas and...
A Better Song to Sing: Finding life again through the invitations of Jesus
Many sincere followers of Jesus are secretly disappointed, dissatisfied and quietly desperate for more than they are currently experiencing. That...
Encountering the Risen Christ
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How can we encounter the risen Lord Jesus in a life-transforming way? How can we be equipped and strengthened to...
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Parenting for Faith Course Participant's Handbooks
Save 15% when you buy this pack of Participant's Handbooks for your Parenting for Faith course.   Pack includes:   Participant's...
Parenting for Faith Course Church Pack
Save 20% when you buy this pack, which includes everything you need to start a Parenting for Faith group course....
At the Foot of the Cross with Julian of Norwich
'All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.' This quotation may...
Discovering the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius
This book is an adaptation of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius Loyola, to help you to embark on a...
Parenting for Faith: The Course - Participant’s Handbook
This Participant's Handbook is a useful companion to people using the Parenting for Faith course, a video-based resource for parents,...
Parenting for Faith: The Course - Leader’s Handbook
This Leader's Handbook is an essential companion for those running a Parenting for Faith course, a video-based resource for parents,...
Parenting for Faith: The Course - DVD
The Parenting for Faith course is a video-based resource for parents, godparents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, foster parents, children’s and...
Journey to Contentment: Pilgrimage principles for everyday life
Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, Sally Welch walks alongside us as leader and guide, but also fellow traveller, to explore...
Franciscan Footprints: Following Christ in the ways of Francis and Clare
There are many ways of following Christ – each footprint is unique. One of these, the Franciscan spiritual journey, has...
Parenting as a Church Leader: Helping your family thrive
When spiritual leadership is the day job, how does it affect family dynamics?How do we spiritually parent our children while...
Celtic Saints: 40 days of devotional readings
The life stories of the Celtic saints are inspirational. They demonstrate great and unassuming faith, often in the face of...
What’s in the Bible (for me)?: 50 readings and reflections
Where do you start with reading the Bible? Here's the perfect gift for Messy Church families and others new to...
Make the Most of Retirement
‘Retire’ means to ‘withdraw’, to ‘retreat’, to ‘give ground’, to ‘cease to compete’. In one sense that is true: retirement...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Worship: Leader's Guide
Worship can arise from a glad heart, but it can also be the deliberate choice of a hurting one. All...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Sharing Resources: Leader's Guide
To have 'all things in common' is about both giving and receiving, and it needs to be mutual. Sharing may...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Serving: Leader's Guide
Jesus himself came as one who served, and our calling as followers of Jesus is to proclaim the gospel by...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Gladness and Generosity: Leader's Guide
Gladness and generosity go together in this Holy Habit because they are inextricably linked. A generously forgiving and trusting nature...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Breaking Bread: Leader's Guide
This exploration of breaking bread works with a broad understanding of the term: one that includes and honours the practice...
How to Read the Bible... so that it makes a difference
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To read and engage with the Bible, we first need to understand the story, the styles of writing and the...
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A Fruitful Life: Abiding in Christ as seen in John 15
'It is my desire through these pages to point you back to the simplicity of a life lived out of...
Life with St Benedict: The Rule reimagined for everyday living
To discover the Rule of St Benedict is to encounter something that is at once inspiring, supporting, reassuring, challenging. Let...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Prayer: Leader's Guide
Prayer is a foundational and transformative Holy Habit, a way of being, the breath of life. As you explore the...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Making More Disciples: Leader's Guide
Jesus said ‘Go and make disciples’ to the first disciples, but the command is for us too. It’s not our...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Fellowship: Leader's Guide
The Greek word translated as ‘fellowship’ in Acts 2 is koinonia. It is a word rich in depth, meaning and...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Eating Together: Leader's Guide
At first glance, the Holy Habit of eating together seems like an easy one. Many of us enjoy eating together...
Holy Habits Group Studies: Biblical Teaching: Leader's Guide
We can explore biblical teaching on our own, and even better together. In exploring this Holy Habit, we hope that...
Augustine's Life of Prayer, Learning and Love: Lessons for Christian living
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What can we learn from Augustine?There are many books that tell the life story of Augustine and how he has...
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