Christian life

Christian life

A selection of titles for your Living Faith.
Journey to Contentment: Pilgrimage principles for everyday life
Digital eBook Only - Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, Sally Welch walks alongside us as leader and guide, but also...
Praying the Way: with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Digital eBook Only - Through raw and authentic prayers, based on the gospel stories, Terry Hinks leads readers into the...
How to Read the Bible... so that it makes a difference
Digital eBook Only - To read and engage with the Bible, we first need to understand the story, the styles...
Really Useful Guides: John
Digital eBook Only - 'John is my favourite book. Not just in the New Testament, nor even in the Bible....
Really Useful Guides: Genesis 1-11
Digital eBook Only - 'Each time you read a story you may gain a different perspective on it and discover...
Peter's Preaching: The message of Mark's Gospel
Digital eBook Only - Do you know who wrote Mark's Gospel? At first glance, it may seem a ridiculous question. 'Mark,...
Could This Be God?: Bumping into God in the everyday
Digital eBook Only - In a series of pithy, poignant and profound short readings, this book explores the intersection of...
Experiencing Christ's Love: Establishing a life of worship, prayer, study, service and reflection
Digital eBook Only - In Experiencing Christ's Love, well-known writer John Twisleton reminds us of Jesus' gracious challenge to love...
Walking with Biblical Women of Courage: Imaginative studies for Bible meditation
Digital eBook Only - We're all called to everyday courage: the ability to persevere in suffering, resilience in the face...
Faith in the Making: Praying it, talking it, living it
Digital eBook Only - If faith is 'being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do...
Is Your God Too Small?: Enlarging our vision in the face of life's struggles
Digital eBook Only - Job struggled, as we do, with huge questions - his own and the world's. He and...
The Mirror That Speaks Back: Looking at, listening to and reflecting your worth in Jesus
Digital eBook Only - Learn how to engage with God's word, to trust it, to walk in its truth, to...
Really Useful Guides: Colossians and Philemon
Digital eBook Only - Each Really Useful Guide focuses on a specific biblical book, making it come to life for...
Really Useful Guides: Psalms
Digital eBook Only - This Really Useful Guide to Psalms will transform understanding of the biblical text, and will help...
Really Useful Guides: Genesis 12-50
Digital eBook Only -  A guide to the great big family drama that takes up most of the first book...
Anxious Times
Digital eBook Only - A book of 24 undated reflections drawing on a range of relevant Bible passages to offer...
At Home and Out and About
 Digital eBook Only - Across a year’s worth of weekly reflections, Gordon Giles focuses on objects, scenes, activities and places,...
The Recovery of Hope: Bible reflections for sensing God's presence and hearing God's call
Digital eBook Only - We live in the hope of experiencing first-hand the all-sufficient grace, love and forgiveness which is...
The Recovery of Joy: finding the path from rootlessness to returning home
Digital eBook Only - 'Recovering joy involves more than following our social codes and conventions. It involves walking with God...
Retired and Inspired: Making the most of our latter years
Digital eBook Only - Attitudes to retirement vary, and in this book Wendy Billington draws on her pastoral skills and...
The Everyday God: Encountering the Divine in the works of mercy
Digital eBook Only - ‘The everyday God is a God who is for everyone…who appears in everyday events and ordinary...
Finding Flourishing: Time and pace for your work-life wellbeing
Digital eBook Only - Say goodbye to exhaustion and overwhelm… In our fast-paced world, Finding Flourishing redefines wellbeing as an accessible...
The Poetry of Pilgrimage: Reflections on Celtic Pilgrimage sites in Ireland and Britain
Digital eBook Only - Drawing from his experience of co-leading pilgrimages in Britain and Ireland, Michael Mitton captures the essence...
Embracing Humanity: A journey towards becoming flesh
Digital eBook Only - Isabelle Hamley explores what it meant for God to become flesh and how this enables us...
Bible Reflections for Older People January-April 2025
Written by older people for older people, these reflections are designed to bring hope, assurance and sustenance, reminding the reader...
Rhythms of Grace: Finding intimacy with God in a busy life
FULLY REVISED AND UPDATED 2ND EDITION Rhythms of Grace emerges from a personal exploration of contemplative spirituality. Coming from an evangelical and...
Come and See: Learning from the life of Peter
When we look at the life of Peter – fisherman, disciple, leader of the church – we find somebody who...
The Upper Room January-April 2025
Digital eBook Only - Each day’s reading contains a Bible passage to read, a reflection on the passage and a...
The Whole Easter Story: Why the cross is good news for all creation
Digital eBook Only - There is no doubt that each of us has a place in the Easter story, but...
The Story We Live By: A reader's guide to the New Testament
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At the heart of Christianity is a story - not a code nor a creed, but the story of Jesus....
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