Seasoned by Seasons: Flourishing in life's experiences
Seasoned by Seasons: Flourishing in life's experiences

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Seasoned by Seasons: Flourishing in life's experiences

Author : Michael Mitton

Like the seasons themselves, our lives are variable and can change in a moment. In Seasoned by Seasons, Michael Mitton acknowledges this and offers Bible reflections for the variety of life's seasons: spring, the season of emerging new life; summer, the season of fruitfulness; autumn, the season of letting go; winter, the season of discovering light in the dark. What can we learn, and how can we be encouraged in each season of our lives? This book will empower you to discover for yourself the truths and messages of scripture, and might well transform the way you view life's changes.

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Title Seasoned by Seasons: Flourishing in life's experiences
Author Michael Mitton

Like the seasons themselves, our lives are variable and can change in a moment. In Seasoned by Seasons, Michael Mitton acknowledges this and offers Bible reflections for the variety of life's seasons: spring, the season of emerging new life; summer, the season of fruitfulness; autumn, the season of letting go; winter, the season of discovering light in the dark. What can we learn, and how can we be encouraged in each season of our lives? This book will empower you to discover for yourself the truths and messages of scripture, and might well transform the way you view life's changes.

  • Product code: 9780857465405
  • Published: 20 October 2017
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 160
  • Dimensions: 130mm wide and 198mm high

Like the seasons themselves, our lives are variable and can change in a moment. In Seasoned by Seasons, Michael Mitton acknowledges this and offers Bible reflections for the variety of life's seasons: spring, the season of emerging new life; summer, the season of fruitfulness; autumn, the season of letting go; winter, the season of discovering light in the dark. What can we learn, and how can we be encouraged in each season of our lives? This book will empower you to discover for yourself the truths and messages of scripture, and might well transform the way you view life's changes.

  • Introduction
Autumn: the season of making space
  • Introduction
  • Fear - space for new confidence (Andrew)
  • Infirmity - space for wholeness (Mephibosheth)
  • Rejection - space for true value (Hagar)
  • Vulnerability - space for true safety (Woman in the crowd)
  • Change -space for new vision (Joseph)
  • Humbling - space for growth (Naaman)
  • Disturbance - space for a new calling (Nehemiah)
Winter: the season of discovery
  • Introduction
  • Death - the discovery of prevailing love (Naomi and Ruth)
  • Guilt - the discovery of wisdom (David)
  • Despair - the discovery of hope (Isaiah)
  • Failure - the discovery of being (Samaritan Woman)
  • Confusion - the discovery of light (Nicodemus)
  • Depression - the discovery of insight (Elijah)
  • Crisis - the discovery of presence (Daniel)
Spring: the season of birthing
  • Introduction
  • Infant - birthing new life (Hannah)
  • Creation - birthing wonder (Earth)
  • Adventure - birthing vision (Abraham)
  • Love - birthing romance (Jacob and Rachel)
  • Creativity - birthing imagination (Bezalel)
  • Healing - birthing new wellbeing (Crippled woman)
  • Awakening - birthing faith (Ethiopian Eunuch)
Summer: the season of flourishing
  • Introduction
  • Holiday - the flourishing of rest (Mary and Martha)
  • Birthday - the flourishing of you (Ecclesiastes)
  • Rousing - the flourishing of justice (John the Baptist)
  • Release - the flourishing of freedom (Slave girl)
  • Abundance - the flourishing of wealth (Solomon)
  • Salvation - the flourishing of gratitude (Zacchaeus)
  • Celebration - the flourishing of community (Bride at Cana)

I was captivated by Michael's wonderfully colourful and imaginative storytelling. The Bible characters are us as we journey with them through the hopes, heartaches, difficulties and dreams that, in God's hands, add that special je ne sais quoi to the seasons of our lives. Each reflection was so vivid I couldn't wait to read the next.
Michele Guinness, writer and speaker

This book comes as a welcome reminder that there really is more than one season. The unpredictability of life may mean that we find ourselves in seasons in which the focus of activity is internal rather than external, or preparatory rather than productive. This very practical book serves as a wise and gracious toolkit for anyone in any season. Like the seasons themselves, it is a gift for our souls.
Roger Morris, Bishop of Colchester

Michael Mitton is a freelance writer, speaker and spiritual director.  He has worked for the Diocese of Derby as the Fresh Expressions Adviser. Before that, he was Deputy Director of the Acorn Christian Healing Foundation, heading up Acorn's Christian Listeners, and prior to that was Director of Anglican Renewal Ministries. He has also written Travellers of the Heart and Seasoned by Seasons for BRF and is a regular contributor to New Daylight. 

The Reader, Summer 2018

Review by Laura Hillman

This book would make a good introduction for someone not accustomed to regular Bible reading as the author leads the reader gently through well-known stories and passages drawn from both the Old and New Testaments. His illustrations are from a variety of sources as diverse as the early Celts and Doctor Who. The book is divided into four sections, one for each season, beginning with autumn. Each section consists of seven chapters with an introduction reflecting the seasonal flavour: summer is the season of flourishing whereas winter is the season of discovery. The author uses the method of Ignatian spirituality to add his own imaginative detail to the text. Each chapter is completed by a question for reflection and a short prayer making it suitable for use with a home group. But it is also a book to dip into as the author deals with the ups and downs of human existence with sensitivity and compassion.

Arlesford Parish Magazine. Review by the Rector, the Revd Graham Bowkett

This is a wise, compassionate reflection on the vicissitudes of life. Using the framework of the Celtic year and borrowing his title from Shakespeare's Portia, musing on 'How many things by season season'ed are/To their right praise and true perfection!', Mitton takes the reader deep into the heart of a series of moving biblical stories and characters.

Defined by daylight rather than weather, the Celtic season of Lammas (autumn) begins on 1 August, followed by Samhain (winter) on 1 November, Imbolc (spring) on 1 February and Beltaine (summer) on 1 May. For Mitton, autumn is the season for creating space for new confidence, vision and growth; winter is the season for discovering love, wisdom and hope; spring is when wonder, imagination and faith are born; and summer is the time of flourishing: the flourishing of justice, freedom and gratitude.

Review by the Revd Graham Bowkett