Journey to Contentment: Pilgrimage principles for everyday life
Journey to Contentment: Pilgrimage principles for everyday life

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Journey to Contentment: Pilgrimage principles for everyday life

Author : Sally Welch

Learn to find contentment in God

Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, Sally Welch walks alongside us as leader and guide, but also fellow traveller, to explore how we can understand this biblical principle and make it our own.

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Title Journey to Contentment: Pilgrimage principles for everyday life
Author Sally Welch

Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, Sally Welch walks alongside us as leader and guide, but also fellow traveller, to explore how we can understand this biblical principle and make it our own.

This book is divided into sections of a journey, beginning with the preparations necessary before setting out, exploring the obstacles which might be put in our path and sharing ways in which the journey can be made easier and more productive. At the end of each reflection there is a suggestion for an activity or prayer to enable the reader to apply the learning to their own life.

  • Product code: 9780857465924
  • Published: 22 May 2020
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 176
  • Dimensions: 130mm wide and 198mm high

Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, Sally Welch walks alongside us as leader and guide, but also fellow traveller, to explore how we can understand this biblical principle and make it our own.

This book is divided into sections of a journey, beginning with the preparations necessary before setting out, exploring the obstacles which might be put in our path and sharing ways in which the journey can be made easier and more productive. At the end of each reflection there is a suggestion for an activity or prayer to enable the reader to apply the learning to their own life.

Sally Welch is the editor of BRF's New Daylight Bible reading notes. She is Vicar of Charlbury with Shorthampton and diocesan spirituality adviser in the Diocese of Oxford. A writer and lecturer on spirituality, she is particularly interested in pilgrimage and labyrinth and has made many pilgrimages both in England and Europe.

Transforming Ministry, digital edition 2. Review by Roger Thornington

Always wanted to go on a step-free pilgrimage? Then this is the book for you! Sally Welch takes us through 52 steps, all from the comfort of your favourite armchair, on a journey to explore how we might reach an inner contentment on our Christian journey through life. Her metaphor is taken from the life of John Bunyan’s pilgrim – ‘Christian’.  Eight sections – ‘Before we begin’, ’Stepping out in faith’, ‘Finding the rhythm of the way’, ‘The dangers of discontent’, ’The path of contentment : living lightly’, ‘… keeping focussed’, ‘… facing affliction’, and finally ‘Finding contentment’ – contain the 52 steps. Each step is quite short – some Bible verses, maybe an anecdote, a spiritual application and finally an exercise – a practical task or an inner reflection and a focus for prayer. Even if there are no hills, bad weather or difficulties in finding our way, these aspects are presented as inner challenges – are we content to accept an easy path through life or are we serious in pursuit of our Christian discipleship? This challenging book will be my constant companion on my inner pilgrimage.

Reviewed by Roger Thornington 


The Julian Meetings Magazine, April 2021. Review by Helen Lems

Sally Welch edits and contributes to the Bible Reading Fellowship’s New Daylight Bible reading notes. This book is a rich and useful resource to help deepen your spiritual life. The central theme of contentment, particularly its biblical understanding, is approached using the metaphor of a pilgrimage journey. The author is your companion and guide along the way, rather than an expert with all the answers.

She groups 52 reflections into eight sections, with headings such as 'Stepping out in faith' and 'The dangers of discontent’. She suggests reading one each week. They have much to offer both to those just starting out and those who are further along the way on the journey of spiritual exploration.

Each reflection relates to the section theme and precedes a short Bible passage. Then there are some suggestions for further personal reflection. Keeping a journal could be a useful aide to record these, so that they could be revisited later.

This book is one to keep revisiting, not only at different times of the year but at different stages of life. It would be a useful resource for a retreat or quiet day or to use at home. It could be used at the same season e.g. Advent or Lent, over several years rather than weekly over a year. Both would work equally well. It is tempting to look at headings and skip some sections and focus on others, but if you can resist this then the spiritual rewards could be deeper. I look forward to exploring it further at a more leisurely pace!

Reviewed by Helen Lems

Church Times 13.11.20. Review by Leigh Hatts

‘THE realisation creeps on us gradually that we are in this for the long haul, that life has changed and we may never return to how it was,’ Sally Welch writes in Journey to Contentment. This is one of the many moments when the book has both resonance and answers for living during the ongoing pandemic, and especially for those suddenly like Martha, with endless caring or domestic duties. Although written before the virus hit us, it manages to be a prescient book.

Sally Welch, a parish priest, is best known as a Bible Reading Fellowship editor [New Daylight Bible reading notes] and pilgrimage leader. She is also the keeper of Oxford diocese’s giant travelling labyrinth, which is often thrown down at big events to encourage contemplation. But this book is initially for solo indoor reading along the road on which the author says that she, too, is seeking contentment.

With 52 short ‘sections’, it can be a two-month journey or a year-long exploration. Each section starts with a scripture quotation, including psalms, from the NRSV, followed by a reflection. The conclusion is always a suggested activity or exercise, which, the writer admits, some will skip, although planting seeds for our prayer space must appeal to many. The themes, such as ,Finding the rhythm of the way’, climax in various paths of contentment.

To meditate on St Paul’s suggestion that we ‘run with perseverance’, there are surprising motivational quotations from Jesse Owens, Marilyn Monroe, and Oprah Winfrey. Towards the end, we are encouraged, like the pilgrim, to talk to fellow travellers and so find mutual support and companionship to do God’s work better. The reward, it is suggested, can be happiness and living longer. The book turns out to be an enjoyable and easy-to-read course for living in the new normal.

Review by Leigh Hatts, author of ‘Walking The Pilgrims’ Way’ (Cicerone, 2017).


The Salvationist 25.7.20

Review by Major Noreen Batt

Reading this guide brought a helpful dimension to the prospect of going on a journey to contentment right in the midst of the rawness of life. As Sally Welch observes: ‘Contentment is not a secret, but it is a mystery… it is learned, and the lessons can be hard work.’

We are guided to prepare for the journey, to step out in faith, find the rhythm of how to walk well, encounter challenges on the way and discover the mystery of contentment as we go. Written in 52 short chapters, it feels like a pocketbook that you could take on a pilgrimage – thoughts to mull over at the beginning or end of the day, guidance to ponder over a cup of coffee and insights to wonder about in between.

The Scriptures given for each step are carefully placed stepping stones that you don’t always expect, but that adds interest. In each chapter there is a suggested exercise that offers a variety of responses, from spiritual disciplines to artwork, from creative to practical responses, from gardening to decluttering.

This is a book you could use by yourself for daily devotions or – if you wanted to dwell on the insights for longer and exercise them in your life – as a weekly guide. Alternatively, you could use it as a pilgrimage guide with a small group of fellow pilgrims and enjoy companionship along the way.

As we gradually emerge from lockdown, Sally’s reflection on Ezekiel’s vision of the dry bones particularly resonates: ‘Deprived of the structure that sustained his life, he must find a new way of thinking and believing. With the old supports destroyed, hope must be sought – and found – in a new place.’ This book offers a gentle, thoughtful companion on the pilgrim way. You just might want to pop it in your rucksack!


Review by Richard Frost

Sally Welch is a well-established figure in the ministry and mission of BRF and her latest book reflects her skill as a writer, vocation as a priest and capacity as a spirituality advisor.

Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, she takes us on a journey from preparation to destination. Like any pilgrimage (literal or metaphorical) such journeys involve stepping out in faith, finding rhythms, carrying a load, overcoming difficulties and keeping focused on where God is leading us towards. Like any pilgrimage this is a book not to be rushed, nor to dawdle through.

Before setting out on a journey it is important to check one’s route and what that comprises of. The same is true of this book. The book is divided into 52 sections – but the reader should avoid thinking that means reading one per week. Indeed, Sally Welch encourages the reader to take one per day but, such is the depth of content and the nature of the exercise included in each section that, this reviewer would suggest, more time is needed to fully get the most out of the pilgrimage.  Slightly confusingly, these 52 sections are divided in to 8 larger parts, also called sections.

But that aside, there is plenty in these pages to get to grips with. It is both challenging and reassuring to know that many people thrive and struggle in the Christian life of pilgrimage and our journey towards contentment.

Richard Frost is the author of Life with St Benedict and writes a blog at